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Monday, October 29, 2007

EAT Shop In Kuta Bali

Beberapa bulan lalu (maaf terlambat posting do'oh), waktu sempet liburan ke-Bali, waktu sempet jalan-jalan di Poppies gang ato gan Poppies deh, sempet ngelewatin EATshop, sempet mau beli juga disana buat nambah-nambah koleksi, cuma sayangnya "the BOWL" nya ga ada, ga asik nih!

Sempet sebel juga beberapa waktu lalu dan baca di majalah Concept kalo EAT 347 itu udah misahin diri, yg satu EAT yg satu unkl347 yah? udah gitu logo asli "the BOWL"nya dirubah-rubah segala lagi, gimana sih??

shop's address in photo : Poppies II G. Ronta 1A.

"Keep the BOWL exist!"


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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Launching my new blog

Black Sky Photography

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Sunday, July 29, 2007


"EAT My Logo Contest - Gallery Event"
28 Juli - 5 Agustus 2007
Aksara Kemang (Jakarta) Prefere 72 & Common Room (Bandung)

Opening Gallery
28 Juli 2007 16.00 - 18.30
Aksara Kemang (Jakarta)
Performances by : Personal State, Summer in Arctic.

29 Juli 2007
19.00 - 21.30
Prefere 72 (Bandung)
Performances by: Personal State, Modern Mode

wow! EAT Logo contest!

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Friday, June 01, 2007

Profile of 347/EAT

In 1996, a group of young people from the dynamic Indonesian city of Bandung, came together. They shared a love of surfing, skateboarding and graphic art, all still relatively undeveloped in average Indonesian society at that time. The result of their common interests, and union, was the clothing label, ‘347 boardrider co.’

The theme of the first items produced by 347 was definitely boardriding and streetwear. They were instantly popular from the south coasts of West Java through to the most industrialized cities of Indonesia, such as Bandung and Jakarta, even though sales were mainly through word of mouth and simple catalogs. Due to their vast success and increasing custom demands, they opened their first store in 1999 and hence became the pioneers of independent clothing labels in Indonesia. ‘347 shophouse’ in the center of Bandung has been a city institution ever since.

347 continues to hook up with the modern day trendsetters of Indonesian youth, from musicians, surfers, skaters, artists and even DJs. These people frequently wear the 347 label, and from that they command the international exposure that they enjoy today. But despite commercial success, the underground scene in Indonesia continues to focus what 347 is, and will always be the driving design force.

However, if you examine our products, you will also appreciate that functionality, fashion, culture, music trends, innovative graphic design and global trends are all evident in our clothes. We work hard to keep our finger on the pulse, every day. We balance all of our influences carefully, from skateboarding to surfing, hardcore to electro, underground to mainstream. We try to explore boundaries rather than marginalize our designs. We celebrate diversity and freedom of expression.

From 347 become EAT. It was borne after extensive explorations into graphics and design. We feel that is represents one of our important yet diverse design concepts… that fashion is not simply about putting clothes on your back, but rather a broader experience that represents who you are, what you do and where you stand, in short, is a reflection of your soul.

Our background places us amongst the most complex, progressive and creative people in our artistic community, who definitely endorse our design and fashion concept. We are recognized as an expression of the attitudes of our time, of our new generation. We strive to represent the culture and lifestyle that is a reflection of the contemporary world of which Indonesia is now a part. We celebrate plurality and enjoy the dynamic effects of the new technological advantages available, that give us access to the whole world, instantly.

Our range is similarly varied and diverse. Each piece is a piece of the puzzle, which reflects our total concept. As Andy Warhol extolled, ‘anything goes with anything’. We never marginalize our concept by trying to adhere to just one product or image to represent our direction. The key to our design direction is that as long as it embraces the values that we stand for, it’s EAT. Just do EAT!


May 2004 “Undiscovered Territory”, Galeri Oktagon, Jakarta
July 2004 “Modus & Media” with trans-eat, Galeri Kita, Bandung
July 2004 “wearehere”, Potluck Coffee Bar and Library, Bandung
Aug 2004 “Bali Fashion Week 2004”, Westin Resort, Nusadua, Bali
Sep 2004 “Eltono Street Art Exhibition”, with trans-eat, Eltono Gallery, Poland
Okt 2004 “Insomnia 48”, Art House, Singapore

Source from : commonroom.info

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Monday, May 28, 2007


Rupanya setelah sekian lama (setahun!) saya bikin blog ini, ada banyak respond yang masuk, bilang bahwa saya designernya 347, saya ingetin saya cuma 'the BIGgest fan' of 347..

oh iya kita jadiin blog ini jadi tempat sharing design 347 aja yah.. kalo ada yg punya custom design 347 bisa di kirimin ke email saya, " kautsar2124@plasa.com " , ntar disini kita comment, ada kurangnya dimana, atau apalah! :)

thanks for your attention..

nb: design yang anda kirimkan itu milik anda (copyrights), saya tidak berhak untuk menggunakannya.

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hello... boss :)


Hi saya cuma mau ngomong, SEANDAINYA ada 'orang 347' yang mau pake design atau nyerempet2 please kontak saya yah, dijamin GRATIS, thx bgt.

contact me: email: kautsar2124@yahoo.com
phone: 021-30734124


Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!

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Monday, May 22, 2006


Click to view a full size

Duh...ga mampu beli iPOD, mending gw bikin design 347/eat aja deh, biasa..plesetan... gua suka banget sama 347/eat yang plesetan...

NB: Wey...gw lagi ngincer 347/eat yg "GOLD" woooww bling-bling...... ntar klo gw beli pamer ah.... 347/eat rekrut gw dnk.....(iseng-iseng berhadiah.. :) )